Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bloggin thoughts....

Maybe it's just me and the fact that i haven't spent enough time understanding blogger.... but there are a lot of things I wish i could do with this web engine that i just don't quite understand. 1. why can't i show blogs i follow on my actually blog page... instead of in my profile? 2. What if i want to upload songs or upload more links? I'm not quite getting it.... and sometimes when i view other blogger sites i feel like they've customized it in a way that's fitting for their info. 3. There's been some talk that wordpress is a better bloggin site. What's the difference and why should I start over? 4. Sometimes i feel like my blog goes all over the place. I originally created the thing to upload pictures of hairstyles and crafties i do. Lately... haven't been snappin photos of hair and definitely DO NOT have the time to do personal artings (which is saddening).

anyway..... i hope to get this stuff figured out soon..... now that im finding extra time during the day at work to upload a post now and again..... i might actually invest in getting my site the way i want it.

If you don't know of sanna annukka.... you should. Fabulous iconography and album art!

1 comment:

STEPHANIE. said...

hello! I enjoy that you are updating more...and yes I believe that wordpress is better, but type pad is even better, but may not be free.